Our company has been revolving since 2011 in two manufacturing entities:
- Aleppo (Syria)
- Nabeul (Tunisia)
And a distribution company in France (Alepeo).
The manufacture of our traditional soaps is ensured by an Aleppo soap for the two sites.
Our philosophy
The priorities in our procedures for developing our products are quality insurance and return to natural sources. We wanted to keep an alliance between a millennial tradition which brings us back history and scientific research and development in order to present to the end consumer a perfect product which he can naturally benefit from his virtues (traditional pure & natural Aleppo soap)
From the start of our activity we had applied to the whole team working for our B’Nature manufacturing unit in Tunisia our work philosophy: respect for the environment, respect for our customers by bringing an impeccable quality of our products.
Our manufacturing charter:
1- Maintain our up-to-date know-how
2- Choose excellent quality raw materials and organic or natural certified: olive oil and bay bay oil
3- Make real Aleppo soap while respecting the ancestral method from Aleppo as well as European regulations.
4- Respect for intoxication
5- Biodegradable packaging.
Ancestral method of manufacturing our Alepeo soap
In Aleppo (Syria) the soap -for masters who are recognized on the local market are preparing at the end of each year (after the olive harvest) to make the famous Aleppo soap cube. Of course the manufacturing method is that which has been practiced for thousands of years. There is no question of making the real Aleppo soap with other method (cold or semi -cold manufacturing method). The Savonnier Maitre of the company "Alepeo" engages during the period of manufacture of our Aleppo soaps with the usual rituals:
- Choice of olive oil and bay bay oil
- Preparation of the Aleppo soap cauldron
- Preparation The bets, cutting materials
- Storage places during drying and maturation.
Facing the cauldron during the cooking of each batch of soap, emotions emerge in front of the alchemical transformation of vegetable oil into soap paste. Visual control of the transformation of oils is verified by sciatic controls at several stages of manufacturing which normally lasts between 2 to 3 days for each batch. The quantity of our lots is 3500 kg.
At the end of cooking, despite scientific control is applied, he does not hesitate to taste the soap dough with the tip of his tongue by spreading a drop on his hand. This is a moment of intense exaltation when the result of the tasting is perfect. It’s we don't do anything anymore. The soap dough is ready.
Our expertise
Our know-how extends over several manufacturing disciplines:
- Manufacture of traditional Aleppo soap
- Manufacture of liquid soap
- Manufacturing of black soap